Thursday, September 22, 2011

Curiosa Alyssa está muy enamoradA de Nicotito.

My spanish lover and I in Sevilla! Not the best photo...
     I want to dedicate this post to the best boyfriend I have ever had ;) It also happens to be his 22nd birthday today so I think I am allowed to be this cheesy. I wanted to let you all know how Mr. Nick decided to surprise me during my time here and was successfully sneaky about doing so. I really did not know why he kept pestering me about my address in Salamanca, as I would only be there for 2 weeks. I was doubtful that any parcel would make it from California to Salamanca, Spain during my last week there. (Little did I know my parcel was hand delivered.)  After talking to my family on their Sunday morning about how spectacular their cooking event was the previous day I was missing home. They told me about how Nick and some friends performed some music together for the participants. It sounded like too much fun that I almost wish I had been there. By Wednesday of my second week in Salamanca, I was already feeling homesick. I decided to break plans to go to the pool so that I could try calling my family and hear some voices and hear somebody tell me that they miss me back. I headed down to the locotorio a block away and proceeded to check my email. I saw that Nick had emailed me 5 minutes before I signed on and immediately tried calling him on skype. No answer. I tried my mother, father, sister, grandparents. No answer. Frustrated that no one was available, I began to cry. I continued to sit in the computer booth and check my facebook, pictures, etc. while I regained composure. Some time later I walked back to my apartment to get ready to meet up with some people to check out the sweet cathedrals. When I got home, the love beanie that Nick and I share was hanging onto my doorknob. I did not understand because if a package had come for me, why did someone open it and hang it on my door? The thought that maybe Nick had delivered it didn´t even cross my mind as I walked to Jenny´s room to ask her if she knew anything about it. At that moment, a very tired Nick was standing in the hallway waiting to see my shocked face. Of course I immediately started crying. For one of the very rare times in my life did I question whether I was dreaming or not. Was this real life? Nick wasn´t supposed to be able to come to Spain this fall, what is he doing in my hallway? So he didn´t surprise me at the locotorio or punch me in the face or anything crazy but it was perfect. Talking about it later, we decided it was probably the best surprise I would ever receive in my life!!
     Nick and I spent a couple of days together in Salamanca. We had to part ways though, because I was to report for duty with the family in Talavera de la Reina that weekend. He did not know that my time would be so constricted and that maybe we would be able to travel together. Luckily, the family is awesome and let me take off my first weekend to meet him in Sevilla. (I will share about my weekend in Sevilla in a later post.) Not only that, but they also invited him to stay at the home for a few days before he did more travelling on his own to Italy. The family LOVED his company and the girls still talk about Nick with a big smile on their faces. We also said goodbye in Madrid before his flight back home. Spending time with him in Spain was so fantastic! MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS NICK!

Secret jetsetting lovers that meet in Spain to hide their relationship at home.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Alyssa, I am absolutely flattered. I'm so glad that you like me even half as much as I do you :)

    Now remember, since you are a female, you have to say, "Estoy enamorada..." That is unless you are trying to send me a secret message or something :(
