Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Curiosa Alyssa extraña a sus amigos de Salamanca

My deserted street in Salamanca

Questionable, right?

     My last week in Salamanca was unforgettable! I had made significant progress developing my language during my time at the school and was able to finally start to converse with my schoolmates that were not experienced with english. I welcomed a new roommate, Jennifer, from Bavaria. She was Ninja´s replacement, and was equally as kind and enthusiastic. Together I showed her some things that I had discovered during my time before she arrived. We went to the river again with Chloe and Victoria, played on the playgrounds and walked over the Puente Romano.

I saw this on the way to the Rio Tormes with the ladies. I couldn´t help myself  but to take a picture!
     They are always cleaning the streets in Salamanca! Not a day went by that I didn´t see someone in lime green picking up trash, vacuuming the sidewalk, or watering the streets. Every night they watered the streets to clean them. Such a waste but I guess it is necessary when people don´t pick up their dog´s poop.

This gem of a mosaic was on the way to school for me. The road you see is leading to an underground parking garage. 

I found Nick´s twin in Spain!

Maite, my spanish professor. Such a stellar teacher!
More tapas were consumed (and churros, but shhh!), more monuments were seen, and more people to say good-bye to. In all, my time with friends I made in Salamanca  is cherished dearly. 

1 comment:

  1. I just sent you an email asking for another Blogpost, then I checked your page and found this! I love the picture of the trash machine sucker-upper thingy...
