Thursday, October 27, 2011

Curiosa Alyssa se está divirtiendo en Talavera de la Reina (3)

On my walk home everyday
     Classes have been going well for me so far. I have made some friends, learned some Chinese and Morrocan Arabic, and enjoyed some chilly mornings waiting for the school doors to open. I am able to hitch a ride with the girls when they go to school in the morning. Carmen takes them and we walk them to their class and then hop into the car and she drops me off in front of school. Unfortunately the doors don´t open until about 9:10 and I usually get there around 8:45. Luckily I have my ipod and I stay upwind from the other students smoking before class. Class gets out about 11:00 and I either "tomar algo" (drink some juice at a cafe with classmates) or walk home. My walk home takes about 30 minutes and I pass many cafes, the park from the picture above, fountains in the roundabouts, and then walk on a bridge over some train tracks. That is my favorite part of the walk because there is just enough wind that I can´t smell the exhaust coming from the cars next to me. I usually see people walking on the bridge for exercise. When I get back I grab a morning snack, review my new words, and go on a jog or walk. I walk back over the bridge to a neighborhood on the otherside. Sometimes a school holds their physical education class in a park in the neighborhood and I run alongside the students. Around 2, we eat delicious lunch and have a lesson in english/spanish. We pick up the girls from school around 5 and I play with them until 8or 9 for dinner. After dinner, Carlos, Carmen, and I talk for a while until they go into the living room to watch their show. I go downstairs and write this blog or read and sleep. There you have my usual day! I enjoy routine sometimes and one of my greatest joys is picking the girls up from school.
Inside Ruiz de la Luna
     One day, spontaneously, Ana (a German Au Pair, she went home this Wednesday) and I went to the ceramic museum. Talavera is known for its classic ceramic tiles and plates in all of Spain. The style is almost always with blue and a dark yellow. The museum is called Museo de Cerámica Ruiz de Luna. Ruiz de Luna is a very famous ceramista from near Talavera. We continued on a walk in the old town of Talavera de la Reina. It was very peaceful and quiet as no cars were allowed to drive throught the old roads.
Iglesia de S. Agustin el Viejo. 17th Century

Torre de Reloj 
    I cannot believe that more than 2 months have passed since I started with this family. Time has flown by and I feel that there is still so much for me to see and do and learn! It is also strange to me to be so alone while so many things in the world are happening. Yes, Carlos and I talk about deeper topics, but our language barrier limits us sometimes and we generally agree on things making the conversations shorter and easier. I have been able to spend time reading the news, in english, and I happened upon a wonderful picture of someone meditating. Below the picture the caption read: Occupy the present.

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