Tuesday, October 4, 2011

La lluvia en Sevilla es una pura maravilla

Emiliano, me, and Nick
     I met Nick in the Puerta Atocha train station in Madrid and we took a high speed train to Sevilla to arrive in the late morning. Before I left, the girls taught me this rhyme ´la lluvia en Sevilla es una pura maravilla.´ And it was true, it rained in Sevilla the morning we arrived to later reveal clear, sunny skies and a lovely temperature. Andalucia is generally much warmer than Madrid, and so I was lucky to experience a mild weekend. During our time in Sevilla, Nick and I stayed with Nick´s friend Emiliano. Emiliano hosted Nicotito and Nicogrande last year during their time in Sevilla and was nice enough to  host us again this fall. Our first day we walked around the city some, we went the the cathedral and the Alcázar.
If you´re not busy looking at the map because you´re lost, you can see some pretty amazing buildings in Sevilla.
Torre de la Giralda, the bell tower for the Catedral.

Emiliano inside the Alcazar.
      The Alcázar was very impressive to me! The structure and the intricate details of the walls were unlike anything that I had ever seen.  If you check out my flickr photostream, you can see many more pictures of the gardens, my favorite part. After spending some time here, we walked around the corner to where Nicotito, Nicogrande, and Emiliano played music on the street last year. They recreated a memory and I was able to document their joy of sharing music with all of the passersby.
Rocky Racoon or Let It Be 
Rio Guadalquivir
      That night we shared dinner and eachother´s company at Emiliano´s apartment. The next day we went to Barrio Triana to enjoy lunch with some of Emiliano´s dear friends. Alicia, David, and their son Ivan. David made paella and we sat in their patio for hours talking in english and spanish. They played some more music and Alicia sang! That evening we went to a lovely flamenco concert and then to some Moroccan tea with Alicia and David again. I had never seen flamenco before and was incredibly impressed with the dancing and the atmosphere. We were in a courtyard that smelled of fresh flowers and listened to a man sing, a man play guitar, while watching a male and female dance. I look forward to watching flamenco again.

A siesta after a long day on Emiliano´s couch
     The last day in Sevilla before I caught the train to get back to Talavera, the three of us went to these Arabic baths. Check it out!We had about 45 minutes to go from bath to bath and relaxed the entire time. I want to take my family back to this place because it was such a nurturing experience.
This is what I came home to! Lucia, Marina, Alejandra y Leon.
 The south of Spain was so different from the places that I have been to so far. I am really looking forward to seeing my family this December and sharing Andalucia with them for a week.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow!! I was just about to go to bed when I thought I 'd just swing by Curiosa Alyssa to see if you had writen anything new. Now my head is filled with gorgeous memories of being with you in a place that I hold so dear. Thanks for the pick-me-up right before bed. I love you!!!
